Breakfast Pizza

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

MOPS mornings are the craziest mornings in my house. I am trying to get everyone fed and out the door on time and on top of the normal hustle I am trying to fix my hair and make something spectacular to bring for breakfast. Last meeting I tried a new recipe and completely burned my potatoes so I quickly got everyone in the car and ran to King Suppers to pick something up. Needless to say I was a bit frazzled when I finally sat down at my group table that morning. In talking with other moms we all seem to be in a similar situation on MOPS mornings. So we thought we would start sharing some of our favorite, go-to recipes. This is my family's favorite breakfast pizza recipe. We had this for every holiday or special occasion when I was growing up. The thing I love about it is that there are only a few steps and ingredients and it is very easy to make a little or a lot. So it is perfect for MOPS mornings and you can also do some of the steps the night before to save you time on those already crazy mornings. 

Breakfast Pizza 

All you need is shredded cheese, breakfast sausage, crescent rolls, and a dozen eggs. 

Start by spreading the crescent rolls onto your pan. I used a 9x13 this time but I have also used a cookie sheet with sides. 

Beat the eggs in a medium bowl with a fork or whisk. 

Brown your sausage (this step you can do the night before and put it in the fridge until you are ready to use it) 

Add your sausage on top of your Crescent roll crust. 

Pour your eggs over the sausage and crescent rolls. 

Bake in the oven at 375 for 20 minutes or until your eggs are set. Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top and bake for another 5-10 minutes. 

 It is great by itself or served with your favorite salsa. 


We would love to share your favorite go-to recipes. Please email us at 

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