Discussion Group Leader Roles

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Personal Characteristics:
  • Demonstrates a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Shows sensitivity to and an understanding of the needs of mothers of preschoolers.
  • Shows warmth and acceptance to women from every background, demonstrating discretion about the personal lives of others.
  • Able to be deliberate and organized about planning social events.
  • Shares her testimony comfortable with others on appropriate occasions and knows how to lead another to Christ.
Positional Responsibilities:
  • Committed to praying for the women placed in her small group.
  • Facilitates discussion during group time (Try and keep is positive).
  • Calls each woman in small group prior to each MOPS meetings to:
    • Listen and build friendships (always willing to listen).
    • Provide business and answer any questions.

  • Attend monthly group leader meetings.
  • Prepare and organize a social calendar for your group, with two activity per month.  Make social activities a priority. 
  • Pray for an opportunity to share Christ with a non-believer, and take it when it comes.
  • Understand and support/participate in MOPS activities (Spa Day…).
  • Coordinate meals for moms in need (guidelines is four meals per event)
  • Promote an atmosphere of safety and confidentiality for your group.
  • Be available to the moms in your small group, help them connect and feel comfortable.
  • Recognize birthdays within your small group.
  • Call the moms if they miss a meeting, send them a newsletter or papers that were handed out at the meeting.
  • Pray for your co-leader, you are their support!

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