Steering Leadership Roles

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

        As the Coordinator, you set the tone by preparing your leaders, planning your meetings and welcoming moms.  You help develop your MOPS groups' story and want every mom's story to include knowing Jesus.

   As the DGL Team Leaders, it's your responsibility to train and encourage Discussion Group Leaders to ask those great questions and lead those transparent discussions. Create a safe place for them while they create that same kind of place for moms in your group. 

As the Finance Leader, you can do magical things with a calculator and a few spare minutes. Spreadsheets make you happy and your group reveres your way with numbers. You keep the group, and it's leaders, on track.  

 You are a Hospitality leader.  Hugs and brunch may be your native language. You know that a cozy atmosphere and a yummy meal have the power to heal. Good food, cute decorations are what you do. The moment a woman walks through the door of your MOPS group she feels that you have created a place especially for her. The tone you set welcomes women and keeps them coming back!

      As the Publicity leader, your creative efforts and sparkly words help to spread the word about all of the fun to be had at MOPS. You also help spread the vision of MOPS throughout the church that supports your MOPS group. There are moms who are secretly hoping for a group of women to share life with so get out your mega phone and make someone’s day.  

     You are a Service leader, making the world a better place one project at time. Your gift to your group is making connections between need and plenty. Each of your efforts to ease the suffering of another changes the world in profound ways.   

You are a Special Events Leader; you welcome each woman with a warm smile.  The tone you set is one of love and acceptance.  Your zeal for life promotes a fun atmosphere for all MOPS moms.  You are the fun guru helping sponsor family fun activities for your MOPS group.  You organization skills are put to the test every year as you put together the annual MOPS Spa Day.

       You are a MOPPETS leader, Kids are some of your favorite people and you believe that the best lessons involve play dough and finger paint. Letting kids know that God loves them makes your day. 

        As the Creative Activities Leader the local craft store is on your speed dial and you thank God every day for the invention of Modge Podge. Creating comes naturally to you and you thrive on finding new ways to help your MOPS group make beautiful things together. 

For more information on all of the positions please click here

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