A Welcome Letter

Thursday, August 28, 2014

For any of you who are not able to make it to our kickoff today, our coordinator, Darla, has written a beautiful welcome letter to start off this year!  Check it out below.


Welcome Mothers Of Preschoolers, 

Another year is upon us and we are overjoyed that you will with us.  The Foothills Bible Church’s MOPS program has been a blessing in my life for many years and I pray that we will be a blessing in yours as well.  

This year we will be leaving our wilderness lives behind and looking for the streams of living water that God has so graciously provided us.  Come to us with your faded smiles, your fuzzy minds, and your spit upon shoulders.  Come seeking the refreshment of comfortable chatter.  Come seeking the bonds of those who know your struggles and your joys.  Come when you are happy and come when you are exhausted.  Come seeking food for your body and food for your soul.  

This year we are committed to forgetting about our past failures and regrets.  The times when you and I have failed to measure up to the worlds standards and we are going to embrace the now and live fully and freely through the love of Christ in community with each other.  It takes courage to open your life and your heart to a group of women.  Act bravely, step in faith and blessings will pour forth upon you.  

Being a mom means having courage to care for a sick baby, courage to cook and clean with the knowledge that it will never end, courage to be nose to nose with a toddler and a infant all that day and still be smiling sweetly when your husband comes home.  Being a mom requires a steadfastness known only to those who have entered the trade.  

Be courageous my friends, have faith to bring us your whole story the broken and the beautiful.  Come to us free to be you, to Be You, Bravely.

Courageous in Christ,

Darla W.
FBC Day MOPS Coordinator

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