Night / Young MOPS

MOPS starts in September and runs through May. We follow the school year calendar.
The Kick Off is August 27th.
The First Meeting is September 3rd.
Meets on most 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Childcare is available for preschool age and younger by the MOPPETS program, where the children are loved and cared for in an age appropriate setting.
Reservations are preferred.
Pick up a MOPS brochure in the church lobby or call the hotline listed below for costs and other information. Note the registration form includes a questionnaire.  Please complete both forms before mailing or bringing to the church with your registration fee.

For more information check out our blog here

FBC MOPS Hotline:
(303)979-0685 x 800

Night MOPS Coordinator:
Mandi Diaz
(720) 940-1135