Mentor Mom Series - Robin O.

Friday, October 3, 2014

This week we are hearing from a Mentor Mom that was also previously an FBC MOPS mom  - Robin O!  Remember to write down any questions you have for our mentor moms and save them for our mentor mom panel in October!

Tell us a little about yourself. 

 I have 3 kids (this year - see below) and I have been married to my husband, Maury, for almost 25 years.  I'm from Texas originally and met my husband in Myrtle Beach, SC, on a summer beach mission trip.  I'm a part time wellness coach, exercise and healthy eating fanatic (most of the time), and love being active with my family whether biking, hiking, running, walking or traveling.

 How many kids (and grandkids?) do you have?

 I have 3 kids currently - a 16 year old son, a 14 yr old daughter and a 16 year Germany exchange daughter for the year.  And hopefully no grand kids for a long while.

 How did you originally get involved with MOPS? How long have you been a mentor mom?

 I was originally a MOPS mommy in this same group from 1998 to 2005.  This will be my third year as a Mentor Mom.  I love being back in MOPS.

 What was the hardest thing and what is the best thing you remember about the pre-school stage with your own kids? Any encouragement for those of us who are still in this stage? 

 The hardest things were the noise and the messes.  It kind of drove me crazy, but I learned to be more flexible through those years. Those early years were also the hardest on our marriage, but God has strengthened our marriage through it all. I loved being pregnant, and I loved as the kids started walking and talking.

Encouragement: Love on your husband and make time for date nights (or getaways), whether out or at home after the kids go to bed, so that he knows he is just as important as the kids, if not more.

What is your main goal as a mentor mom, or what is the main encouragement you hope to offer to MOPS moms?

 My main goal as a Mentor Mom is to just be there for the moms in my small group and for leadership - for encouragement, support, a listening ear, prayer, a meal, or whatever the Lords leads me to.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor (just for fun)?

 Me and ice cream don't get along, but I love love love Yogurtland mango frozen yogurt.

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