A Guide To Making Homeless Bags

Monday, December 8, 2014

The weather is turning colder, and the winter can be an especially difficult time for those who are homeless.  Jesus tells us that when we serve those who are in need, we are really serving Him.

As I was updating our website recently, I found an idea for "homeless bags" from the 2013 MOPS year. I have considered making care packages for the homeless on street corners in the past, so this caught my attention.  When I read through the information I thought there were some great ideas for what to include.

If you want a to serve "the least of these" in a practical way, this is a guide for creating your own "homeless bags".  This would also be a great thing to do in a group if multiple people from your MOPS group are interested!

1. You'll want to start with a large ziplock bag.  Ziplock-type bags are best because they will keep the items dry if the recipient is caught in the rain.  If you want to get really fancy you can get the kind with the zipper tab (those are my favorite, anyway).

2. What should you include?

-Personal hygiene items.  Think things like chapstick, packages of tissues, toothbrush and toothpaste, lotion, a comb, soap, band-aids, a wash cloth, nail clippers, etc.  Hint: I (Callie) am a dental hygienist, and I know sometimes dentists have travel-sized toothpastes that are expired, and they won't give those to patients.  It might be worth asking around to see if any dentists in your area have expired toothpastes they would be willing to donate.

-Food. Non-perishables are best, like granola or power bars, crackers, a pack of gum, candy, a bottle of water, etc.

-Clothing. Items that will help with warmth are most helpful, like scarves, gloves, or socks.

-Miscellaneous items.  Books, crossword puzzles, sudoku books, small flashlights, pens, and notebooks are a few ideas.  You can check the clearance section of your local bookstore (or your own bookshelf) for books, and many of these items can be found at your local dollar store.

-Gift cards. Particularly gift cards for places where someone could buy food, like a grocery store or fast-food restaurant.

-Salvation tracts or a copy of the book of John.  You can get these items at churches or Christian bookstores, and there are also many tracts that you can download online (just google "Salvation Tracts").

-A card.  Gather your kids and make some cards to let those you encounter know you care about them - write an encouraging note, include meaningful Bible verses, and tell them you will be praying for them. 

3.  Pack them all up in the bag - and then be brave and remember to actually give them away!  Don't forget to pray for these people as well, that the Lord would provide for them and they would come to know Jesus.

Have any of you ever put together "homeless bags" before?  What ideas are we missing?  

1 comment :

  1. I have been thinking about making a few of these to keep in the car. My boys and I have been making it a habit, when we see someone on the corner we will say a prayer for them... maybe adding a "care package" would be a good way for my boys to see love in action. Thanks for posting this, I am thinking we will make a few next week to store in the car.
