"You Pick Two" Recap and Resources

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The "You Pick Two" meeting a couple weeks ago was so interesting - but I know that I am always bummed that I can't go to all the sessions!  If any of you would like the information from the sessions you weren't able to attend, I am listing the notes and resources below - as well as a quick instructions on how to do the craft.


Nutritional Pitfalls And Power Moves

Robin provided us with some of the following resources where she got the information for her talk.  Also, she wanted to clarify one thing:

"Regarding eating more smaller meals in a day: Waiting too long between meals can allow the blood sugar to get too low. More frequent smaller meals can help keep your blood sugar stabilized, but in the long run make sure that you are not eating more than your daily recommendation of calories."


Estate Planning For Young Families

Here are the handouts for the estate planning talk.


Leading A Child To Christ

And this is the handout from the talk on leading our children to Christ.


For the craft, the ladies brought us this cute pinboard craft.  To make these you will need:

A small corkboard (Reba and Gretchen told us they got the corkboards from Ikea.)
Enough fabric to cover the corkboard
Small brass thumbtacks
Hot glue gun
Super glue
Decorative buttons

1.  Cut your fabric to size and hot glue it around the corkboard, making sure the edges are tight.

2. Use the super glue to glue the buttons onto the brass tacks.  Allow to dry.

3.  Glue a small stretch of ribbon along the back, or in a loop at the top of your corkboard.

4.  Hang and enjoy!


Stay warm and we'll see you all for our meeting tomorrow!

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